
 Last week was my Project completing week.  I really accomplished a lot. . . .some times I am amazed at what can be accomplished with two little boys around.  I tackled things that I have wanted to do forever and haven't made the time for.. . . . I love love LOVE do it yourself projects. I love to improve things around our house. . .I love crafting. . .So not too shabby of a week for me in that regard.

I took off our Pantry door in the kitchen, primed it with magnetic primer, coated it with Chalk Board Paint. . and now, a new message center.

Did the same thing with Paysen's closet door. . . .I love chalk board paint, I wasn't so crazy about the magnetic primer, probably wont use it again.  I got pretty woozy using it, it was super stinky and messy too.

Got about 20 pages of Parklen's scrap book completed!! This is huge for me, after putting it off for over two years.

I got a ton  of organizing done, and most importantly I got a ton of cuddling with my beautiful boys.  Spent some good time with Devan before he headed back to school! So, If I ignore the fact that little Paysen had his tonsils out and was miserable for a couple weeks, the past two weeks were alright!!

 Now Paysen is back to school, back to his little friends, back to his routine. . .back to himself, well himself with a tiny little nasally voice. . . .


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