I haven't felt much like blogging lately. . .I haven't felt much like writing at all.  I just seem to be too tired. (And let me mention that I despise daylight savings)

Denver didn't go as I had hoped, exactly, but I believe that the doctors heard what I was saying. . .(at least a little bit more)  They have added 3 new meds to his daily routine. One of these is Prednisone, which causes my little love bug to turn into a crazy, fit throwing, brother beating, screaming, crying, sleepless boy. 

Parky is going to have some procedures some time next month. Someone asked me if I got scared anymore about Parky and his procedures. . .The truth is I don't.  I don't feel afraid when he goes into surgery, I feel helpless, I feel sad for my baby, but not afraid.  If I ever doubted the power of God's hand on my son, I never could now.  I have seen the miracle of God's love in every day.  I know that he holds Parklen.   

I feel old, I look in the mirror and cant believe how much I have aged in the past 2 and a half years. I am so tired, and i drag myself through my days. 

But the best feeling that I experience is the feeling of Joy. Happiness comes and goes with your circumstances but Joy remains. I carry Joy with me every day.  I am blessed beyond measure.


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