I have.......

I have a four year old that likes to choose his preference of anesthesia.......
this takes most doctors by surprise.......
He knows what works best for him.
I have the four year old that holds the mask to his own face as he breathes deeply to go to sleep for surgery. 

I have a four year old who can tell you how they insert a mediport into your chest......
can tell you what an MRI is, a CT scan.....
a surgery........

I have a four year old who understands the concept of having medicine to stay well.
I have a four year old who amazes nurses and medical staff at his ability to take grown up size pills with ease........

I have a four year old who giggled uncontrollably when they fitted him with his hearing aide and he was able to hear us whisper to him.......
I have a four year old who rocks the headband hearing device and believes me when I tell him it is cool.

I have a four year old who voices his hopes.....that one day, he wont need medicine and the hospital.

I have a four year old who loses control......suffers the effects of a rotten medicine that helps and hurts equally.

I have a four year old who worries about not being the "baby" anymore.

I have a four year old who finds great joy in elevator buttons...........

I have a four year old who prefers pancakes, pudding or oatmeal over dinner food.......

I have a four year old with crazy hair, a dirty face and a desire for tons of love.

I have a six year old with eyes so blue that no editing is required on his photos......

I have a six year old who has lost more teeth than most his age (quite a few from clumsiness)

I have a six year old who worries about his brother.
Who tries so hard to understand, but falls short and turns to fear.

I have a six year old dying for attention from the many that gush over his brother.

I have a six year old who can turn any activity into a form of art........
one that can draw a masterpiece in a matter of moments.

I have a six year old who carries a large part of my heart, a small boy who gave me my greatest job...................mom.

I have a six year old who is nervously awaiting the birth of his little sister and declares that he isn't doing diapers......but he will be a helper.

I have a six year old who strives to be the best he can,. but sometimes feels as though he isn't good enough.
Who often asks, "do people like me?" 

I have a six year old who melts me with his toothless grin, big blues, freckle dotted face and food on his lips.

I have a daughter whom I haven't yet met.......
a little girl who is destined to change our lives......

I have a daughter who is perhaps and answer to an unspoken prayer............
I have a daughter that already holds a piece of my heart............
a little girl, that we are so excited to meet.

I have a partner in this life.......
a husband who drives me crazy.......
a man that finds a way to make me laugh, even when its the last thing I want to do.

I have a partner who smiles and gives me butterflies......
a husband, father of my children.......
a man who makes me feel beautiful, even when I don't believe I am.

I have a partner........
a husband......
a man that I love......

I have a family,
a group of crazy, lovely people.....
four of us, soon to be five.

I have more than I could ever dream to wish for...........
I have a cup that spills over........
a God who blesses me each moment.......


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