often overlooked

There is a piece of our puzzle....
a part of our story.....
a character that is often overlooked.

There is a man.
A man who is mostly in the background.....
Rarely front and center.

A man who quietly works behind the scenes....
of course Devan wishes he was here for all the big things that happens.....

should he have dropped out of school?
should he be here every day?

The thing about it is this.....
Devan is where he should be.

Its true......he isn't here.
He isn't in the thick of the medical responsibilities.....

Its hard to be here without him.....
Its hard to often carry the load solo.....
but he isn't here......

Instead, he is home.

Home trying to give Paysen a little sliver of normalcy....
he is attending class....
he is studying,
doing homework.

He is spending time on something with little immediate satisfaction.
Day in.......
Day out.......

Striving for something that will come later on down the road.....

He isn't just working towards our right now.....
he is working for our future.....

Devan has his own struggles.
He has his own fights.

I am proud of my husband.
For taking the road less traveled.....
for pursuing something so big....
for pushing through during the hardest of circumstances.....

Today began a new semester.......
and although you may not be front and center most the time......
although you may not be the star of our story right now........
you are the leading man in my life.

Thankful for all that you do,
all that you have done
and all that is to come.

Thankful that we don't have the perfect life.....
thankful instead, that we have the perfect for each other life.....

Thankful for the challenges we face.......together.
Thankful for the challenges we have overcome.....
Thankful that our struggles have brought us closer.

Thankful that our life is not easy......
because our struggles help us to shine brighter....

I am thankful for the stubbornness that we both possess....
the fact that we never give up on each other or our marriage.....even though we could pick from a list of reasons the world would say its ok to quit.....

Thankful for the woman I have become through being your wife....

Thankful for the way that I have learned to love through loving you......

I am proud of you.......and no matter what the world sees......
no matter what others say.....

To me,
you are never overlooked.

I love you......


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