a drive...

 Tonight was a gift.
A simple gift....
nothing fancy,.....
Just a cruise with our family, scoping out Christmas lights and sipping on hot chocolate....

But the simplicity filled my cup.....
The giggles and the ooooo's and awe's were enough.
Because simplicity is often denied to many......
and I refuse to take for granted this day.....
these simple gifts....

This Christmas means mountains more than ever before....
and I pray for simplicity....

and clarity as to what it means to celebrate this particular holiday....

We are blessed beyond measure....
and one of our biggest blessings may be that we have been given a glimpse into the truth of how fleeting time can be.....

Nights like tonight....
nights that ooze normalcy....
the stars shining...
the children laughing....
they are worth savoring......

Hope you are blessed....


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