
Today was better than yesterday in many ways.
Harder in some.

Parklen had a very emotional day.
The drugs are beginning to effect his mood.....

Parklen has done better than expected with the chemo......
I'm counting that fact as prayers answered.......

He had a skin reaction to the Chemo drug that caused so much fuss yesterday.....
this is something they were expecting....something that happens to most patients on this particular drug.

He spent most of his time crying, yelling, sleeping, and...................crying.
 All while having spots..........

Four days until day zero......
It seems like time is standing still and moving forward at rapid speeds......

Devan will be here tomorrow,
We cannot wait.

I am not sure if its just because he is so nice to look at,
or because he is crazy enough to make me laugh at the most inappropriate times,
or the simple fact that he is my best friend.....
but having him hear makes everything a little easier.

........heres to tomorrow.


  1. Safe travels, d! And love to the rest of the hendersons!


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