Nice day.....

Today was a nice day......

Today we had permission to take Parklen out of the hospital for a few hours......

They are planning on beginning Chemo this week (again) and we are praying for it to be so.......

and with weeks ahead of him in the hospital we wanted to give him a change of scenery for a while....

Walking through the halls of the hospital....our little boy grinning behind his protective mask....feeling safe in his daddy's arms.

We loaded the family in the car and traveled the few blocks toward the apartment....knowing that our list of activities would have to be limited to inside the walls of our new home.

When we walked in the door I asked Parklen what he would want to do on his break.....his answer broke my heart...."I just want to lay on the couch."

He had spent the entire day before this moment looking forward to leaving, filled with anticipation..........he skipped his nap...

and so, our little Man of Steel snuggled into a tiny ball on the couch.....

Parklen spent two thirds of his pass sleeping......

The other third was spent playing hide and seek.....laughing, smiling, and enjoying the family that loves him so......

Is there anything better than family?
Is there anything better than enjoying the seemingly small moments?
I love that even a nap on a couch was a blessing for Parklen.
That a change in location, a chance to be unhooked from monitors was enough for him.
I love my family.
I love the glasses I wear.....the ones that help me appreciate the things that come my way.
The glasses that make everything in the midst of the mess look amazingly beautiful......
I am blessed.


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