
{Here is my disclaimer.....I have been using my phone for photos more often than not recently and so.....there you have it. A plethora of cell phone pictures........yes, I am lazy.}

Parklen was given another pass today.....
four hours spent outside of the hospital.....

That kid was so excited for round two......
Smiling all the way.

He enjoys normal things so much...
boy stuff.

You would not believe how much he enjoys every small detail......
mostly things that you or I may not even notice....
things we most definitely take for granted....

Things that we rush through....
tasks we find annoying,
time consuming......
are exciting and fun to a child that has never felt well before....

He enjoyed a science experiment,
some eating,
some block building,
car driving,
game playing,
He really enjoyed his brother......
and his sister.

Driving in the car on the way to the apartment Parklen pointed to many things....
He ooooooed and awwwwed over things we passed....
people on bicycles.....
an airplane in the sky....
It was a very exciting three blocks for him.

When I drove him back over to the hospital tonight, he was squealing with excitement over some Christmas lights....
The same lights that I drive by alone with out notice.....
They made him so happy, so excited.....

I am deciding to try and see things through eyes like him.
He appreciates the things we do not.....
He does not take the little for granted....
He is pleased and excited about things that surround him.
and it makes him happy.

Can you imagine living that way again?
There was a point when we all must have to some degree....
as children.

I want to live that way now.
Having big excitement over little things.
Refusing to take for granted the busy moments......

Staring at the Christmas lights,
the dirty geese....
the trucks and the planes....
and allowing myself to appreciate the small......

Paysen was so sad to see Parklen taken back to the hospital.....
I think we are in trouble with these two.
They have never been healthy together........
and after all,
they have a lot of time to make up for.........


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