Thanksgiving surprise.

I feel like a kid at Christmas time.

I would guess that I won't be getting much sleep tonight.......(and it will probably be the night Phin decides to sleep all night............)

I am just so excited about tomorrow.

I love Thanksgiving..... every year.
I love the family, the food, the chaos.......
I am usually the one to cook, and host.
and I look forward to it every single year.

This year I will not be hosting the extended family.............

We will be spending the holiday in Denver.
We will be spending the holiday at the apartment.
We will be spending the holiday with the apartment.

He has be granted a four hour pass for mental well being......
He is doing that well.

Never did we anticipate the speed at which he is moving.......
He is just hurdling forward, and refusing to let anything stand in his way.

He is so happy.
We are so happy.

I am, of course....super nervous for bringing him to the apartment tomorrow....
After all, happy or not.....he is still fragile.
I spent a lot of time today wiping absolutely everything I possibly could with disinfecting wipes.....
Going above the regular cleaning guidelines and pushing to the point of Paysen rolling his eyes at me.....

It has been exactly 45 days that Parklen has spent in his hospital room.........
he has been wheeled down the hall once to have his lines removed.....
but he has not had sunshine rest warmly on his face for 45 days.

I instantly get tears in my eyes when I think about taking him out tomorrow.....
I am so happy.
I can only imagine a how huge his smile will be wedged between his newly acquired chubby cheeks.
I try to always find joy.....
Joy is what the Lord fills me does not change with the comes from a place of knowing truth and what is in store for me when this life is comes from knowing Him.....
Happiness is a different emotion......
Tonight I have both.
I am so happy that Parklen will be sitting around the table with us.
Although, we would prefer to be in our own home and away from this situation......I cannot think of a better Thanksgiving gift than this.

Our entire family will be together.........
Outside the confining walls of the hospital.....
Away from the stark white lighting......
Far from the beeping of monitors,
and around one table.......

As if his progress weren't enough.......
This is something huge to be thankful for.

On a separate note........
never underestimate the power of a fake mustache..........
That paired with a brother appears to cause unstoppable laughs and fun!!!!!
I probably won't have to force these two to enjoy each other tomorrow!

The best is YET to be!!!


  1. My heart is filled with joy for you and your family. May happiness be experienced, in great abundance, as you celebrate Thanksgiving, tomorrow, together outside of the hospital's walls. Tears are in my eyes at the thought of this precious time you will have with one another. I will be praying for the perfect weather, where sun-light can indeed fall full upon Parklen's face. My heart lifts up praises of gratitude to heaven, with you and your family in mind <3 Sincerely, In Christ, Jenny Smith


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