A reminder........

Yesterday was our monthly Denver appointments.....
It was a long day, consisting mostly of waiting....

The doctor had plenty to say about progress.....
but more to say about what we need to remember...

Parklen looks great.....
He feels great.....
He is gaining weight,
He is gaining life.....

but he is not out of the woods yet....

The doctor took great care to stress the very importance of "staying the course."
(as if I needed a reminder......)
but it was good to hear...........

It would be so easy to begin letting my guard down.....
incredibly simple to just start living a normal life.
After all, Parklen looks like he is better....
he even acts like this is so....

Behind the curtains is a different story....
Look deeper,
past the smiles and the laughter...
slightly further than the playing and the living.....
there you will see a body full of cells....cells that are still working toward complete health.

Now is when things are hard....
it is a balance between the excitement and the joy of having a healthier boy and the understanding that a tiny pebble could take down all of these months and months worth of building to get him here.....

When I watch Parklen jumping, and running and spinning about....
When I see him laughing and  playing.....
when I struggle to get him to slow down for a moment.....
When my heart swells with delight at the very sight of him and all that he is.....
I must remember to remain vigilant...

When you catch a glimpse of this boy....
when the vision of chubby cheeks and smiles overwhelms your eyes.....
you may think that my crazy is a little too much....
But we have not traveled this road, for this long to trip on a crack in the pavement.....
We have not made it this far....just to fall back.

So I will keep my crazy.....
I will hang on to my overprotective....
after all, Who would I be if I weren't her....
the crazy......germ hating mom??!

All in all, Parklen is moving right along...
he is better than anyone could have hoped he could be at this point....
its just a matter of letting his immunity build back up.
He is more compromised right now, than he was before the transplant....
and with the stuff going around this season....you can never be too careful!

In other news....
Phinlynn is adorable....
and she is almost one.....


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