Someone new.......

There is someone new that has taken up residence in our home....
He comes in the form of a chunky, spunky, wild five year old...
We started noticing his presence right after returning from Denver.....

 Fell in love with him just as quickly....

I often look back through pictures of the little boy who used to live in his place.....
tears always coming along for the trips down memory lane....

This little boy is different in so many ways.
Looking into his eyes reveals years worth of stories........
a lifetime of pain.....

Look a little harder and see a beautiful spirit finding a way through a new life.....
A tiny explorer forging a journey through uncharted waters.....


Our little man of steel.......
snuggle bug.....
giggling ball of fuzziness......

Paysen has a new live in friend.....
a playmate,
rough housing partner.....

The boy oozes through the walls of our home now.....
more so than ever.
There is never a moment of silence.....
Rarely do five minutes pass with out a take down or a head lock.....

It has been 156 days since Parklen's transplant......
156 days since Paysen went into surgery....
156 days since we all crowded around Parklen's bed to watch him receive his brothers gift.....
and Parklen has never looked back.

He is new.
He is fresh....

He is addicted to Nutella and bagels.....
He cannot live with out Ovaltine...
He loves jumping and running....
He barely slows down......
usually just goes and goes until he passes out from exhaustion......
He likes to hide and scare his brother....
carry his sister around...yes carry.....
Join forces with Paysen to "battle" their dad.....
He takes "dance breaks".......
is constantly belting out a tune.....
Hardly goes a moment with out giving me a hug.....

We are so happy to be living with our very own miracle.....
thrilled to witness his new days.....
We don't need to look too far ahead because we already know that the best is yet to be.....
but our right now is something to enjoy.....

Today is something to cherish....
Look past all of the small things that seem off....
the distractions that take our focus from what is truly important.....
Let go of the weights that try to drag you down.....

There is something to be said about being confined to your home......
there are down falls, that's for sure......
the loneliness can get to you.....
the cabin fever can make you a little crazy....
but there is also the things that you notice when the only place you have to go, is nowhere.....
The things that you begin to see......lists and lists of things that were lost in the hurries of life before.....

I know a boy,
one who could teach you so much about enjoying your life....
A child....
that could open up doors for you....
pull back the curtains and give you a view of what really matters.....

and those things, the important things....... are worth letting go of all that threatens your joy.....
the schedules,
what does keeping them matter if they block your view of importance.....
the stress....
the complaining....
the daily tasks......
let them be a step to a better vision.....and not something that consumes you.....
because at the end of it all......what did they ever matter to begin with?
When you look back at the end of your life journey, will you be oh so grateful that you made it to all the meetings and the games and the practices......
when your kids are grown.....
is that what you want to remember?

I tell you what,
I choose to remember my five year old with chocolate covering his entire face....smiling through giggles as he tries to show me his new dance move.....a boy who hugs so tightly that I have to catch my breath after every squeeze.....a son, who is more than happy having his entire world be within these walls.....who enjoys my company.....and speaks to my heart through the holding of my hand......

I choose to keep tight the memories of a freckled boy who spends time each day creating an art journal.....who captures his moods onto a piece of paper so eloquently that he must be older than he admits to be.....a gentle voice in the morning who is never less than excited to tell me that I am pretty..... a son with a constant offer to help.......a big brother who has and does sacrifice so much for his brother and first born....the most like me......growing up so quickly and yet keeping one foot in the door of childhood.....

I choose to remember my daughter as an eager, bouncing little girl.  With pigtails and headbands.....smiling with giant teeth that seem far too big for her petite face.....  A baby that picks up on anything and almost everything around her.....a parrot that repeats things far beyond her age..... A tiny little pixie that loves so big.  A constant companion..........  Personality that can barely be contained with in her....... I choose to hold on tightly to the memory of her, as she she makes everyone happy....everyone smile....
How her very presence in this family has changed us big ways.

Being a mom is hard....
the pressures are great...
the expectations even greater......
I know that as days go by things will change....
as the time passes our lives will fill back up with obligations and schedules....
but I pray that I never forget these moments....
and that the to do lists and the endless demands of this world will not take the place of what really matters.....
I thank God for the road I have traveled.....for the pain,
for the heartache.....
because I find the biggest blessings in the smallest things......things that I know are often thought of as  an annoyance, an inconvenience......the things that get "in the way...."

Each night as I lay my head on my pillow and recap all of the things of my day....
as I think about the things that caused discomfort.....or pain, or anger or inconvenience....
I recite these words in my head..... "Somewhere, someone is praying for the things that you have."
That. Is. Truth.


  1. Thank you for blessing me today with your post. I love to be allowed to share your insights on what truly matters in life. May our Lord continue to bless you and your family.


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