The same......
This is destined to bounce back and forth....hitting here and there and possibly not making much sense.....bare with me, I can barely remember to comb my hair any more....."pregnancy brain" has done me in....... Parklen and I have been home from the hospital for exactly two weeks. It has been a roller coaster since then........ With in a few days of arriving home, Parklen was perked up and doing so so well. He was laughing a lot, breathing well and loving life. Exactly one week home, and it all changed. I have refrained from updates and posts about Parklen over the past week. I cant bring myself to face the music. His symptoms are coming back. Maybe he caught something his brother brought home from school? Maybe something his dad brought from college. Maybe. What I know is this......we go back to Denver next week (already) He is going to receive a couple of IV medications.......going to see a billion doctors an...