Three years ago I was about 7 months pregnant. I had just returned home after spending a good amount of time with Parklen down in the hospital. He had spent time in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Struggling to breathe and fighting...yet again for his life. There was a certain instance that occurred during this time that replays in my mind time and time again... The teams of doctors that had known Parklen for many years and the teams that had just been brought aboard were struggling to find solutions to the problem that was Parklen's health. They were all running in circles, trying to communicate their own skill set...trying to apply their own speciality to his case. It reminded me of those stationary pools the you see on infomercials late at night when you can't find sleep...where the swimmer is swimming their hardest, but the current is working so hard against them, that they remain in the same place. I was fragile during this time. Pregna...