
Showing posts from August, 2017

Thrown in...again.

There are times when I am sure I have met my limit. Recently, I am having some of those times. It seems to be thing after thing and happening after happening.... Last week was super tough. Exhausting. And although I don't like to talk much about's what happened. I had 2 days that I spent in the hospital with a kidney infection... Turns out a kidney infection is a lingering nuisance when you're pregnant... Wait a minute, let me back that up a second.....have I EVEN told you guys that I am pregnant? Its shared on my personal Facebook, but I don't think I have actually written about it. Yup. Pregnant. Number 4. Almost to the third trimester. That started my week. Then I went home from the hospital and packed to take Parklen to his  hospital. The kids and I loaded up and headed to Denver. I started having continuous pain in my belly over our first night there and it escalated the next morning. By the time the kids and I had made it to c...