Its a WHAT?!?!?!?
Today was that day that has been anticipated in our family for the past few months!!! We knew that our baby was looking healthy, we knew that things were going good..........but now, we know our baby is a GIRL!! This news is weird. So weird. It feels like a dream to me. For as long as I can remember I have wanted a daughter.......Being the oldest of four girls I had a lot of experience with baby girls.......and I always wanted one of my own. Fast forward a decade or so, and I find myself the mother of two boys. Boys are Boys. They are crazy, wild, loud, destructive.........they are boys, and I know how to handle and mother boys. As the doctor confirmed that it was indeed a little {she} swimming about in my belly, I almost could not believe it! What am I going to do with one of those? I am a little nervous. But mostly SO SO SO SO SO SO excited!!! We have had a battle going between the boys the last couple mo...