
Showing posts from October, 2014

A year..........

Because the last 12 months.... The last 365 days..... The last year.... has brought us blessings that we could have never imagined. Because we witnessed the transformation of a boy that was always ours...... but struggled to exist. We knew that inside of the pain, inside of the hurt.... was something incredible..... The chisel of life.... The chipping away moment by moment.... by the master sculptor Himself.... chip by chip... has shaped and revealed something beyond amazing.... He began his transplant journey with a workup to see how his body could manage.... he fought through every test.... he struggled to run on the treadmill.... he smiled and cried all at the same time..... A year later he has been made new.... and every step of the way has been a gift.... to us, to him, to everyone who has ever known him... to the witnesses that watch from afar.... Because Parklen shows proof of miracles.... Parklen shines bright with the grace and love of God..... ...


Because we live in a community that is incredibly giving and amazing, things like this happen....... A private visit to a local corn maze. All to ourselves...... Just  us. No worry of sick people causing infection. No stress of steering clear of the crowds..... No company, No strangers.... Just simplicity at its finest.  Fresh air. Open spaces.... echoing giggles....  The simple joys that other families experience on their weekends are few and far between for us.  We don't have the opportunity to explore local events.....The people in public carry risks far too big for while the places may be ok to explore.....the crowds are not.  Parklen felt like a regular boy.........  Paysen got to do things that the kids in his class talk about at school.  I got to watch as our family explored and had fun.  My heart swollen....  Devan got to lead his family in a different way.....through the fie...