
Because we live in a community that is incredibly giving and amazing, things like this happen.......
A private visit to a local corn maze.
All to ourselves......
Just  us.
No worry of sick people causing infection.
No stress of steering clear of the crowds.....
No company,
No strangers....
Just simplicity at its finest. 
Fresh air.
Open spaces....
echoing giggles....

 The simple joys that other families experience on their weekends are few and far between for us.
 We don't have the opportunity to explore local events.....The people in public carry risks far too big for while the places may be ok to explore.....the crowds are not.
 Parklen felt like a regular boy.........
 Paysen got to do things that the kids in his class talk about at school.
 I got to watch as our family explored and had fun.  My heart swollen....
 Devan got to lead his family in a different way.....through the field of corn......

 There was running, laughing, playing and exploring........and there was us.
 If we silenced ourselves for only a moment we could hear the breeze blow quietly through the standing corn.......and it felt like our only company was singing a song just for us....a beautiful corn ballad.....played just for us.
 It was peaceful.
 It was special........
 It was something that I will cherish forever.
 because someone went out of their way to make this possible for us............
Our first chance at a family photo in a giant chair....kind of a big deal to this mom.......worth the 15 Clorox wipes we used to clean it first........

Doesn't this look like a boy who is enjoying himself a little...........

can you spot the Paysen?

Having friends that make calls to make things like this possible.....
Having a community that doesn't hesitate to accommodate our family.....
They are all blessings.....
They are all helping to stitch together new memories....
for us,
and for Parklen.....
the boy who deserves a million moments worth of happiness.....


  1. Parklen looks great. I can believe he's the same boy who would make Serenitys day by waving when she came to his door a year ago. So happy he's doing so well. **** Adell


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