On a Thursday......
I woke up the same way each day while in Hawaii...... to the sounds of birds, no alarm, no crying baby.....just peaceful birds calling my name. I spent much time outside in the early hours of the day, watching the sunrise and breathing in the clean air. Today was Thursday..... It was our third day on Parklen's Make-a-wish trip..... We spent the first part of our day on the beach belonging to our resort......the beach enclosed the ocean fed lagoon which sat just moments away from our room. The walk to the lagoon winds over bridges, paths and along the waters edge. There are turtles swimming below as you stop to peer over the walls atop of each bridge..... People walking hand in hand....children laughing.... many stop along the paths to take pictures.....a chance to capture the moment forever.... Once to the lagoon, we settled nicely in beneath the sunshine. The kids went to work, splashing and digging..... all but Phinlynn.....who always takes a while to ma...