It started with a wish.......

One day......Parklen made a wish.
It was a wish fueled by stories from his Nana of the time she had spent in Hawaii....
from visions of dolphins on movies.....
of the knowledge that his mom and dad had swam with dolphins on their honeymoon......

I wish to swim with (kiss) dolphins in Hawaii........

Once he made the wish the ball began to roll....there is something to be said about those people whose job is to help make children's wishes come true.....they work hard.

The trip was set.
Our tickets bought....

But the thing about sickness is......
it doesn't care about your plans.

When the time came....
it was a fight between a trip and sickness...
The sickness won.

Parklen didn't get his trip.
He was just too sick.

But, time passed and wounds began to heal.

and, as if there was never a delay.....we packed our bags.

Parklen held tight to his hopes during 19 months that went by......the time between making his wish and when his wish came true.....

He talked about it....
He dreamed about it.....

and two weeks ago today.........We boarded a plane.....

The days that followed the steps we took onto that aircraft, are the best days of my entire life thus far.....
and because of that,
They each deserve their own story to be told.....

So I leave you with this for now.....

Life is so beautiful.....
and it gets better....
as you train your eyes to see things that others don't.....
As you shape your thoughts around what God has done.....
and you believe that each moment is worth matter what the reason may be.


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