"Just leave me alone" she whispered, the moment before she snuggled deep into my chest. The sun had not yet taken its place in the sky that morning when Phin stirred awake. Fevered. Tired. Not feeling well for almost a week...and it had begun to take its toll on her tiny body, and her spirits. It's the latest week of the many that have contained one miniature Henderson battling sickness. No one having the same illness..all different, and all consecutively. One. After. The. Other. The days starting early and the nights ending not long before that. Tears, and cries. Coughs and fevers, Throw up and aching... She thought if she hid behind the chair...the doctor might leave her alone. It was a solo week...those tend to happen when your husband is attending grad school. Field work placements in another town... leaving three kiddos and a mom looking forward to Friday a little more than usual..... People often say, When it rains, it pours. I have b...