Blame it on the "Baby Blues" messed up hormones.....or maybe just life..but I have been feeling down lately....down on myself. Its an emotion that I am certain most parents feel one time or another and especially mothers. The feeling of being inadequate.......its capable of robbing you of so much. Your self confidence, your self worth.....your joy. I wasn't too surprised when Parklen started to show a return of his symptoms....Ive grown used to it, it takes a lot to shock me when it comes to that little boy. So when he woke up Tuesday morning with golf ball size lymph nodes through out his neck, head and even one on his face...I already knew deep down that I would be leaving town. I started to fret right as I put the first thing into our suitcase. I was flooded with feelings.....feelings that said, "I cannot handle this." I cannot count the trips I have made over that past five years....its too too many. I shou...