I turned 28 today, It was a good day. The transition was made slightly better by the fact that an oral surgery on Monday left my face slightly swollen, seriously making me look 5 years younger(cant you see the humor in my insanity)....I woke up and said, "oh my gosh Devan, look how young I look." he thinks I'm nuts, this I am sure. My boys helped with breakfast, I got the boots I have had my eye on, I was treated to lunch, and received a million Happy Birthday messages. I will be given a night away from motherhood this weekend, and rest will come. Tomorrow my home will be filled with twenty people, I will be partaking in some wonderful Black Friday Shopping, What a week. The last 28 years have gone so fast. They have molded me into this woman I have become, this crazy, cooking, baking, dancing, singing, sewing, praying, crying, smiling, laughing, nut of a woman. I turned 28 today, it was a good day.