My shoulders have felt heavy. I feel like I am gasping for air. When it comes to Parklen..........I feel overwhelmed. Denver has been back and forth with me, still with no certain plan. A couple of years ago, I was given a meeting with the BMT (Bone marrow transplant) team. It was one of the hardest things I have done to date. I was told that often, as a last resort, children with ALPS are given a transplant, It takes months of living in Denver for Preperation and months after the transplant for recovery.....I was also told that with a child like Parklen, survival rates were only 60% meaning that 40% don't survive. After the meeting, I did my best to push all of this to the very back corner of my mind. Since then, I have thought about that meeting only a few times, each time feeling sick and forcing myself to forget again. When I spoke to Denver on Monday, the Dr. said to me, "We are not quite convinced that its the right time for a ...