
My cell phone is full...full of pictures of this....
Countless times every day I find myself scrambling to find my phone to capture a moment when my camera is out of reach.....  There is always a kid doing something photo worthy ....but usually it is this little gal...because she is always....always....adorable....and ready to strike a pose.

She is also a little bit feisty.
I think she has learned that from her brothers.....  

Paysen is always building something...
Parklen is always learning a new trick....

There is so much to be captured around here.

The last couple of days have been crazy.

Three fevers,
on three separate kids.....
Three kids crammed into one doctors appointment.....
and that was just Monday....

Follow with some test results on Parklen that brought my worst nightmare to the front of my mind.....
and that was Tuesday...

Wednesday had its valleys....
Today had some too....

And as I sit here,
I keep trying to think about things to freshen my mood....
Ideas to pass the stress....

I have been crafting every night this week....
something I don't normally make time for,
but I needed an outlet....
and whiskey is never the better option.....

As I search for goodness to fill my mind....
I find it.

In the eyes of my children....
In the laughter echoing throughout these walls....

I find it in a simple conversation with my husband....
A joke from a friend....

I find goodness buried underneath the sadness....
and as I scoop a little bit of dirt off at a time,
I see the shining of the joy that lives within....

I will not lie.
I feel very sad this week...
and some of the ways to that sadness are found along unmarked roads that one cannot be directed to...
I cannot explain all of the reasons.

But when I squint my eyes....
I see the light.

I know that the best is yet to be....
and I know that the right now is pretty ok too......

So here is to the good....
the wonder that is always always there....
Can you see it?

Here is to shoveling away the dirt that sometimes covers its shine......

Thanksgiving is next week and I cannot even count the things that I have to be thankful for....
and that is pretty good.....


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