Wrapping up............

 We are wrapping up here in Denver today, and we are all ready to head home......Three days can feel like three weeks down here!!  This dose of treatment has been extra hard on all parties involved!  Parky is feeling the sting of the steroids extra strong this go 'round and the extra side effects have spilled over on his family.  He is more violent than I have seen him. Such a difficult thing to deal with, you cant punish him like you would a regular kid, he cant control his actions....they teach you certain things on how to "deal" with "roid rage" but its hard none the less..........I feel bad for him, I am sad that he is kicking me in the face, and at the same time sad because I know he doesn't feel good. 
 But the thing that really gets me is when he goes crazy on his brother.....have you seen the video clips of chimps attacking people? This is exactly what it looks like, and it happens so fast that you cant prevent it.  Paysen looks at me like "mom, why are you letting him do this to me?" and it breaks my heart.  I think about what it would be like to be the brother of Parklen, and I have decided it would be tough.  Paysen acts out in his own way, starving for attention.......I just wanna scoop him up and take him somewhere where everyone goes crazy over him! We walk into the hospital and its all about his brother, he needs somewhere where its all about him!!
 I have accepted this life of travel and hospitals as our norm, its just the way it is......but we are preparing to start a new norm......Parky is going to start pre-school for a couple hours a week this year. His doctor wants him to interact with some kids and see how he will do in a school setting....  This will be something to write about I am sure!! Should be an interesting tale!!  Going to be so hard for me to leave him, but so good....
 We met some family at Bass Pro Shop last night for dinner and exploring....My boys belong in a place like this!  They love to fish, so looking at the giant specimens in the tank is incredible to them!! 
Paysen would like to bring his swim suit next time so that he can swim along with the giant Cat fish....


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