Today was Paysen's Christmas party at school, before today he had never seen Santa in person. He was excited to see him and you could tell by his face!! As a child I was never allowed to believe in Santa so the whole experience is new and a little strange to me.  I get a little bit uncomfortable with the thought of my children losing sight of the real reason for Christmas but Paysen shows much knowledge for such a small boy.  At age four he will tell me the entire story of Jesus being born in a manger, he ends his story with the answer to this question, "Why did Jesus come as a baby to the world?"  "Jesus came to earth so that he could grow up to die on the cross for our sins, believing in him and what he did is the one way that we get to heaven."  His smarts surpass his years and he makes me so proud.  I have decided that Santa is a harmless aspect of the season as long as my boys know the truth and they do.


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